

Our 关怀之路 model infuses the counseling process of matching appropriate care with each student’s acute needs with timely access and personal choice.

Starting, in many cases, with an individual “one-at-a-time” consultation, our professional mental health clinicians engage students in assessing their acute needs. 从那里, 一系列的 短期服务 是可用的.



  • provide timely access to mental health care and education
  • create personalized plans that align with specific needs
  • 在治疗过程中支持最大程度的自主权
  • effectively connect students with other campus resources and supports
  • incorporate self-help and technology resources to support ongoing wellbeing
  • identify and swiftly supporting those that demonstrate the greatest need
  • remain flexible and responsive to allow for more students to be served by Counseling 中心临床医生 



Our website is a growing resource for self-help and self-management. 我们不断地 expanding what’s available, including a variety of free and low-cost apps, guided meditation recordings and videos, TED Talks, as well as other self-paced approaches to assist with stress reduction, developing mindfulness, improving sleep, learning 健康的应对技巧等等.

请关注我们的持续更新 精神健康资源 & 自我保健的页面.


For most students, their initial point of contact with the 咨询中心 will be an individual consultation session focused on developing practical solutions for the immediate problem that has led them to seek support. 他们会学习策略 to help manage their concern outside of the appointment and, with the clinician, will 讨论一系列合适的“下一步”. 学生可以返回额外的 “one-at-a-time” appointments as needed (up to 8 times per year), or may be connected with another on- or off-campus care option, depending on the best fit for their situation.


火博体育与 BetterMynd, an online platform that offers  access to individual teletherapy and group workships 对于所有完全注册和被录取的学生. 学生可以独立安排时间 up to 12 teletherapy appointments/academic year with a provider of their choice and can choose from a diverse and culturally competent provider network. 服务通过 BetterMynd are offered at no additional charge to students and are fully confidential.



Students who would benefit from related services offered by one of our campus partners will be assisted in connecting with the professionals in these areas. 这样的服务 could include: time management, study skills development, and accommodations-related 支持通过 学生学术服务; individual spiritual counseling or group discussions 通过 the 宗教事务局 & 精神生活; meditation, mindfulness, and yoga offerings 通过 火博体育正念; or personalized wellness coaching sessions or victim advocacy resources offered 通过 健康促进.


Students struggling with suicidality, psychotic symptoms or a recent sexual assault will be offered a brief course of more consistent care intended to promote stability, 安全,和改进的功能. 此外,那些缺乏经济资源的人 to access needed care in the community may qualify for assistance with transportation and/or co-pay expenses, or may be eligible for a course of short-term therapy at the Center.

Tailored referrals to open-ended and specialized care in the community

When more consistent, intensive, or specialized treatment is the most appropriate option, weekly and open-ended therapy with a community professional is available. Our clinicians work with students to identify accessible care with a local practice that participates in their insurance plan and has expertise in their area of concern. Students can also receive assistance in connecting with intensive outpatient, rehabilitation, or inpatient programs in the surrounding area or near their home.


Same-day emergency appointments 是可用的 to all students who are experiencing 与安全有关的情况. We ask students to come to the office, versus call, when requesting these appointments so that we can triage appropriately. 紧急任命 are scheduled for 3:00 pm or more immediately as appropriate. 盘后随叫随到 assistance is available for emergencies that occur outside of normal business hours. Students can access this service 通过 our main number (518-580-5555). 此外, students with non-risk-related high-distress situations will have opportunities for daytime contact with an on-call clinician as appropriate.

For additional information about our services, click here